
Are you installing a bridge, need permits for development, wondering where to start? Hill Environmental will conduct the required assessments, apply for permits and act as the liason between yourself and the permitting agencies.

Environmental Monitoring

Working in a sensitive area? We can provide on-site monitoring to mitigate the impacts to creeks, lakes, wetlands or other sensitive habitats. We will work with you to ensure vital habitats are protected and develop monitoring and mitigation plans for environmental protection, habitat mitigation, compensation plans, restoration and habitat enhancement. We have a comprehensive understanding of the applicable regulations and best management practices.

Hill Environmental provides environmental monitoring services for various construction projects, including in stream works, working in sensitive ecosystems, riparian areas, fish passage restoration, and installation and/or replacement of culverts and bridges. Hill Environmental also provides post construction monitoring including projects that require multiple year vegetation survival monitoring.

Environmental Monitoring for Construction Projects:

  • Culvert installations and replacements
  • Bridge installations
  • Fish Passage Restoration
  • Fish salvage
  • Sediment & Erosion Control
  • Post Construction Monitoring
  • Vegetation mortality/ survival
  • Fish utilization
  • Instream structure function and use
  • Water Quality

Fish Salvage

Are your works in proximity to a watercourse. We will conduct fish salvage in your project area and provide on site monitoring during de-watering. Electrofishing is utilized to safely remove fish from work areas. Often, sections of stream are dewatered, and salvage is conducted prior to dewatering. Our staff are certified in Electrofishing and have the First Aid Certification required under the Workers Compensation Act. We obtain the necessary permits to conduct fish salvage and provide on site monitoring.